The Associated Alumni of Martin Luther King High School of Philadelphia PA
7715 Crittenden Street # 380
6100 Stenton Avenue Phila PA 19138
Philadelphia, PA 19118
Phone Number: (267) 970-2504
The official Alumni Association of M L King High School in Philadelphia Peensylvania
The purpose of The Associated Alumni of M. L. King High School of Philadelphia, Pa shall be to assist in the mission of the School and The Philadelphia School District. This purpose may be achieved through the promotion of four core initiatives: (1) the gift of time, effort and talent of Association members to the school for various programs benefiting the students and administration of the school, (2) the contribution of funds, individually or collectively by the Association members, for Financial Aid, the Annual Fund and the Scholarship Fund, (3) the contribution of opinion and ideas to the principal, school board and managing Entity on the strategic plans, and (4) the creation of activities, parties, and reunions for camaraderie and reminiscence. All of these initiatives, of course assume the underlying goal of instilling in alumni a long-term loyalty and dedication to the Children enrolled in the school, the School and its Programs.
Keywords: M L King High Alumni Association;